Sunday, May 31, 2009

Smart Moves

Both Joe and I should be proud of our intellectual genius moves yesterday. We were at my parents' house to celebrate Paige's first birthday (pictures to come later). Joe had to work during the day, so he met Jake and I there afterwards. He called to tell me he was at our house, to shower and change, but he couldn't get into the house. See, Joe lost his set of keys. He had work keys and house keys on that key chain. We are not sure where they are. Joe had used our spare key, which we hide outside, the day before. But, he forgot to "hide" it again. So, Joe had to come in his work clothes to the party. After we had cake and watched Hailey swim in the 70 degree cold pool, Joe and Jake were going to head home. I was planning on hanging out by the bonfire (bomfire as Hailey calls it). About 20 minutes after my boys left, Joe called my cellphone to let me know he couldn't get into the house. He did not take a key or garage opener from me. Side note...we only have 1 garage opener. Joe blames my sister for losing it when were on our honeymoon. Jamie and I blame Joe. As I saw his number show up on my phone, I knew exactly why he was calling. At the same time, my brother Mike and Nikki were heading home and could easily drop off a house key for Joe. I went to go look for my car keys to take the house key off. car keys. They were in the diaper bag that Joe left with!! My mom and I were laughing so hard by this point. I called Joe back to let him know that he could get into the house with my keys. Fortunately, my parents have an extra car at home and I was able to borrow it for the night and returned it the next morning.

We are on a mission to find Joe's keys. We have two different sets of key hooks in our house. You'd think his keys would have a nice home there. Apparently, not!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Day Weekend

Well, it was just mommy and Jake around this weekend. Joe went up north fishing with my dad, brother, and uncle. They left on Friday afternoon and will be back sometime tomorrow (Wednesday). This is an annual trip, which Joe really looks forward to. Last year, Jake was only 2 months old and did not realize his daddy was gone. Well, he did this year! When he wakes up in the morning, he says "Da Da?' He asks about a thousand other times throughout the day. There happens to be a picture of the three of us on his changing table. Jake picks up the frame and points to Joe everytime.

Jake had his 1 year pictures taken on Saturday. He was in a pretty good mood, until I took his ball away from him. Then, he was sitting on the floor and leaned back too far, and fell over and bumped his head. He was pretty much done with pictures at that point. Luckily, the photographer caught several cute shots.

On Sunday, we packed up our stuff and our dog, and went to spend time at Grandma's house. It is so nice to hang out there. Jake has so much more room to move and Kirby can play with all the other dogs. We helped Grandma buy flowers for her house. Monday was a really hard day for Jake. He was pretty crabby all day. Nothing would make him feel better. It was a long day. I tried to find some moments while Jake was sleeping to hang out with my sister by the pool.

Jake has a new obsession. He has to listen to the book Goodnight Moon before bed each night. I think Joe and I have it memorized. I used to love this book as a child, so I think it is cute that he does, too!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

We had a very laid back Mother's Day today! It was very nice. Jake surprised both Joe and me by sleeping in until 7:30 this morning! He is usually making noise by 6:00. Thanks, sweetie! We went to my parents' house for brunch in the morning. Everyone was there, except for Matt, Katie, and Hailey. Matt called to wish me a Happy Mother's Day. Jake was pretty tired by the time we got to Grandma and Papa's house, so he took a nap while we all ate. Jake had a fun time playing with Paige. Paige turns one at the end of the month. She continues to get bigger than Jake! We think she weighs more than him. She is more determined to learn to walk than he is. He is a limp noodle when you try to get him to walk with you. He will walk when he is ready! Here is a picture of Mommy and Jake, along with a picture of the flower pot Jake gave me from daycare.

We are continuing to get the house packed up in hopes to put it on the market mid-June. It is nice to not have so much stuff around. We have filled up our storage unit and will have to store some things at my parents' house. Next weekend, we are getting new carpet on the main level. Jake, Kirby, and I are going to stay at my parents' for the weekend, while the work is being done. We have some smaller touch up projects to do before we can begin staging and have the realtor come back to take pictures. It has been nice to go through and throw stuff away/give away. Joe keeps telling me I have too much "stuff" (he uses a different word to describe it, though). I am making a goal to only save what we really need from now on!

Happy Mother's Day to all moms and moms-to-be!