Thursday, March 29, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jacob!

Here you were 4 years ago today

And here you are today! 

Happy Birthday, Jacob Daniel!  Cannot believe you are already 4.  We know now how truly a miracle you really are.  There are not enough words to describe how lucky we are to have you in our lives.  Cannot wait for you to see your present :)

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Jake Dancing

We bought Jake a new Wii game, called Smurf Dance Party.  It is similar to Just Dance in that he has to follow the moves on the screen.  Here is a video.  Sorry that it is jumpy...and sideways.  I was not able to turn it the right direction.

February/March Picture Post

I have been really bad at posting lately.  No good excuse.  I wish I could say it was because we were on vacation, or something exciting like that.  Nope, just been too lazy.  Here are some highlights from February and the beginning of March.  Jake's birthday is on Thursday, so I promise there will be more pictures later this week!  I am not liking how Blogger is working lately...stay tuned for a possible blog address change...
Joe and Jake at the end of a long day
Jamie in her attractive bowling attire
Jake's picture from the Gopher game
Probably the only time I will beat Jamie
The boys playing baseball on a warm night in March
Lots of excitement that this milk is back!
Happy Valentine's Day!