Sunday, May 19, 2013

IVF #1 Underway

We have officially began the process of IVF.  Joe and I have both gone in for blood work and each had different tests done to make sure that everything is working the way it should.  Everything looks good for both of us.  We go in next Wednesday for our nurse consult to learn about the medication I will be one and to make our payment.  Ouch!  I started birth control pills on Monday.  It feels odd to be on them again.  I will be on them until June 7th.  I will go through the first three weeks of one pack, skip the sugar pills, and start the first week of pills for the second pack.  Being on these pills allows for my doctor to be in control of my system.  There will be some overlap between the BCP and other medication, but I will learn more about that later this week.  I have heard that some women have side effects with these pills, but so far, I have only noticed soreness in my chest.

I hope to know more information about everything on Wednesday. 

Jake's 5th Birthday-Adventure Peak and Space Aliens