Thursday, December 30, 2010

Mr. Defiant

That post title could be Jake's nickname. Boy is he trying me at times. He is definitely testing the limits. I know this is just the beginning of being a 3 year old. His latest is to stick out his tongue, tilt his head, and say "Na, na, na, na, na! You're not my friend!" It is hard to not laugh at this while he is doing it. I know some of it is just the stage he is at in his development and another part of it is being around older kids at daycare. They can be good and bad influences. Lately, he has been picking up the not-so-great things from them. He can turn anYthiNg into a gun and pretend to shoot. He knows the words he is not supposed to say and some how says them continuously! It is so hard, because the boys that teach him these things are the boys he is constantly talking about at home and pretending to call. I don't know how his daycare provider, Cheryl, can stay sane with these boys! I guess years of experience. I know there would be no way I could do it. Give me a room of 6th graders and I am fine, but way!

We're Buried Under Toys

We have survived Christmas. Jake absolutely lOvEd opening presents...maybe too much. He has asked everyday since the 25th if we have any more presents for him. As I was in the middle of writing this post, he asked for more present! A big change from last year. He wasn't all that excited to open presents, but now he will even offer to "help" you open yours. He had plenty of opportunities to open gifts, as we had Christmas spread out over three days and five locations!

It was very fun for Jake to see his family at each place we went to. There was always someone fun to play with. On Christmas Eve, Joe's cousin's boys were there to play with. Another cousin's husband was a good sport and let them wrestle him. Jake was asleep before we drove out of Grandma and Grandpa Sullivan's neighborhood.

We left a plate of cookies, a glass of milk, and a letter out for Santa on Christmas Eve. We had to wake Jake up so he could see the full plate of cookies before he went to bed. He was surprised to see the cookies were all gone...except for the top of a stocking cookie. Santa must have been really full! Jake thought it was fun to see what was in his stocking. He is now able to shave with dad in the morning, or in the bathtub. He loves his shaver! He also now has a fun Hot Wheels track that launches cars. We need to get some more cards that are heavy enough to go on the track. Jake gets mad at me when I try out certain cars. He tells me, "They don't work!" We have tried all the cars in the house and only two work. The two that came with the track. Thank you Hot Wheels for forcing us to go out and by different cars. Oh well, Jake can use his gift card to Target to do that. Santa also brought him a talking Woody doll (action figure to Joe). He made the trip with us all day.

We had a good time at the Knutson Zoo. Presents were flying all over the living room. To be honest, I don't really know who gave Jake his gifts. He was too fast for me. Jake even helped Uncle Mike open up one of his gifts (gift card) and then lose it. I guess Jake was not to impressed. It was fun to see his cousins open up there gifts and then play with them afterwards. My mom bought them all the same pajamas. We tried to take their picture before opening up gifts, but none of the shots I caught turned out. All in all, a fun time!

Later that afternoon, we were off to the Youngstedt's house with the Deters's side of the family. Jake loved playing with his Uncle Ben. He tried out his drum playing skills on the drum set. Joe's aunt offered the drum set to us, but my headache said no! Jake went outside to sled in the deeeep snow with Emma, Haley, Ben, and Daddy. A few of us sat inside and watched him. He looked like he was having a ton of fun! Jake ate dinner at the "big kids" table and shared a peanut butter sandwich with Joe's cousin Alex, who only really eats pb sandwiches. Jake has not been a good eater, so I was happy he ate something other than a cookie. Jake would eat them from the time he woke up until the time he went to bed if we let him. Grandma and Grandpa Deters, Haley, Ben, and Dan gave Jake some new Playdough, Toy Story figurines, and a cool talking Dinosaur. Again, Jake was asleep right away when we began our drive home. Another no nap day made for an extra sleepy Jakey.

Our final celebration was with Joe's mom, step-dad, and step-sister on Sunday. It was just seven of us there, so it was less chaotic than the other gift openings. Jake was the star of the show and loved getting to open his presents. Grandma and Grandpa gave Jake an interactive video game that Jake loves to play. It is adorable to see him jump up and down to power up the rocket on the Little Einsteins rocket game. He also received some dinosaur and zoo animal figurines, so there is plenty of pretending going on at home. The braciosaurus is always saving someone with his long tail. Again, Jake opted for no dinner and only dessert. This stage he is in, which has been going on for a long time, is getting really old. Cannot wait for it to be over.

I had to make a trip to Goodwill with old toys, in order to make room for new toys. I was not the only person who was cleaning out their house this week. Goodwill was a popular place. Jake did notice that there weren't any toys in one basket in his toy room, but otherwise has been too entertained with his new toys to notice.

Jake went to daycare for a few days this week to play with his friends. He was way to overstimulated with all the new toys here. Every five minutes we were on to a new toy. I needed to get somethings done around here and Jake just did not like that. He had way more fun playing with his friends that being home with me. We are home today and am glad we don't have to go anywhere. It is raining out and very dreary looking. We talked about how the clouds were sad and were crying. Jake told them to not be so, so sad. Wish it would be nicer so we could get out of the house, but I guess Play dough and finger painting are in our near future!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Let it Snow and Snow and Snow

We are in the middle of a snow storm in Minnesota. We are all stuck inside. Jake and Joe are getting ice fishing poles all set up for the first fishing trip of the winter season. Joe is letting Jake help, which has been a sight to see! Here are some pictures of what is going on outside our house.

Outside the front door

A drift at our front door

View from the deck

You cannot even see 169 off to the left. Good thing we are stayig home!