Wednesday, July 17, 2013

We were and then we weren't...

It has been a roller coaster of a week.  We started off last week on a high of celebrating our 7th anniversary.  We normally don't do much to celebrate, but this year we did go out for dinner at restaurant that was new to us.  It was nice to get out and spend time together. We were also celebrating the fact that for this first time in 4 years we had positive pregnancy tests.  Several to be exact and a blood test to prove it.

And then Thursday happened.  I went in for a repeat blood test and we found out that my pregnancy hormone did not double in 48 hours like it should have.  It could mean one of two things.  It was just a slow growing embryo that would take off soon, or it was going to be a pregnancy that wouldn't be viable and I would miscarry early-on.  I would have to wait until the next Monday to have another blood test to see what changed.

Fast forward to Monday.  My levels dropped by 70.  I was miscarrying.  I knew it was the case based on my symptoms over the weekend.  The fact that I have gone through this before gave me an indication of what the results were going to be.  I go in tomorrow to see how much the level has dropped.  It needs to get to 0 before we can proceed with anything further.  We may wait until winter to do a frozen cycle.  There isn't enough time before I go back to work to start anything now.

It was hard at the end of last week.  I couldn't believe how over the course of three days I went from being excitedly pregnant to the extreme opposite.  It was also a long weekend waiting until Monday to hear officially what was going on.  

A positive was that I did get pregnant after three years of fertility treatments.  It doesn't make it easier to know that I have  become pregnant three times, but have only brought one baby home.

Monday, July 1, 2013


I'm one day past a five day transfer.  There are so many new acronyms that I have learned throughout this journey.  Yesterday morning, we transferred two blastocysts.  One was graded a 1 (the highest quality) and the other was graded a 2.  My doctor gave us a picture of both embryos.  It is surreal to think they are inside of me now.  The procedure itself was quick and painless.  They had me stay on the exam table for ten minutes right after the procedure before they moved us into the same recovery room that I was in on Tuesday.  It was emotional those first ten minutes.  I couldn't believe that we were at that place in our journey to expand our family.  

Now we are playing the waiting game.  I go in for my pregnancy test a week from tomorrow. I'm laying low the next two days.  Thankfully our parents are both able to help take care of Jake.  Lots of DVD watching and maybe some reading, too.  I did get a call this morning to let us know the remaining 5 embryos reached the blastocyst stage and are able to be frozen.  That was good news to hear.