Monday, September 17, 2012

First Day of School

 Jacob's First Day of Fun for 4's!

 Jake took a picture of us.  Not too bad!

Mr. Cooperative!
The start of the school year has come and gone.  It was a bit of an adjustment for all of us.  Jake is having a hard time staying awake after school in the car and sometimes won't even wake up for dinner!  Tonight, is a prime example.  It is 9:15 p.m., and he has been asleep since 5:30.  We tried getting him up for dinner, but that was not happening.  I am hoping he doesn't wake up at 3:00 a.m.!  Jake started a new program at one of the elementary schools in Richfield.  The name of the program is Fun for 4's.  It is an all-day, every day, Pre-K program.  The daily schedule is very similar to Kindergarten, but more play and free time is included.  The one missing part...REST!  Jake is in desperate need of that :)  He has had a lot of fun getting to know his classmates and his teachers.  One of his teachers has a 6th grade son that is in one of my classes.  It is kind of neat that we swap sons for the day!  We had to bribe him with a cookie to get a few pictures