Friday, June 25, 2010

Hailey-Bug Confusion

I think we have majorly confused Jake. I truly believe he thinks his cousin's name is Haileybug! Hailey has had that nickname for a long time and we all call her that at different times. Jake and I went up to St. Cloud Wednesday morning with my mom to spend some time with Katie, Jordan, Matt, and Hailey. I love being able to spend time with Hailey during the summers. She comes for a week at a time during the summer and I can usually visit for a night, or two. This visit we went to Bounce Depot, a building with five different inflatable structures for Jake and Hailey to jump in, climb on, etc. They had a blast. I did not enjoy the two diaper changes Jake needed. He was eating way too many raisins before we left! Jordan hung out off to the sides with his mom, Grandma, and auntie. Katie and I took turns playing with the older kids. We became tired very quickly. The three adults now have their own pair of "Emergency Bounce Depot Socks" which were purchased for $1. The will fit in with my "Emergency Bowling Socks" I had in college. Don't ask...

Yesterday, the weather was much more cooperative. We went to a splash pad with lots of fountains and buckets that was close to Matt and Katie's house. Hailey had been there before and was really looking forward to taking Jake there, too. Jake had a blast! He did take one fall while playing, but after some cuddling, he was back at it. We love splash pads!

The rest of the visit was spent entertaining Jordan and keeping Jake busy. He loved playing with "Tato Head" (Mr. Potato Head). Overall, we had a great visit. Cannot wait to go back!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Where is my Baby Jake?

Jacob is growing up too quickly. This weekend, he asked for a bowl of cereal for breakfast. Here are some pictures I took while he was eating at the table. He is choosing to not sit in his highchair either. He is becoming more and more independent lately.

Way to go, Uncle Ben! 2nd place in his tournament on Father's Day Weekend

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Last Day of School

Another school year is over for me. Well, at least it was my last day with students on Friday. I cannot believe that it has been 10 years since I began teaching. The years seem to have flown by. I always thought I would remember more events from each year of teaching, but it is now all blending into one big memory. I can think back to my first few years of teaching in Minneapolis. It was easier, in some ways, than it is now. I do not remember having to plan as much, and really don't remember teaching a whole lot of content to the students. I suppose it was because I had teacher manuals that scripted exactly what I needed to teach. I spent more time dealing with unruly students. Now, I am spending more and more time planning and grading, but less time dealing with students. Don't get me wrong, my students now are not angels, but they definitely are better behaved than the first few groups I had. This year seemed to have flown by faster than any other year. I suppose having our house on the market for most of the year, and having to drop everything for showings, made it go by fast.

Jake is more than ready to be at home for the summer. Over the past two weeks, it has become harder to get out of the door on time. Jake would much rather play at home than go to daycare. It hasn't made it easier that we have been trying to give him allergy medicine before we leave either. I had to ask Joe to give Jake the medicine a few days, so I don't appear to be the "bad guy". Just a few more days, Jake, and it will be just Kirby, you, and me at home everyday!

Funny Jake story from yesterday. After the last day of school, Jake and I went to a former colleague's house right by my school. There were are few other teachers sitting on the patio having a few drinks and some snacks. Jake was being an excellent sport and entertained himself. He had grabbed a few toys from the diaper bag and from inside my friend's house. He was making his toys "swim" in the beer tub. He was having so much fun, so I did not think anything of it. A few moments later, I see Jake's feet off the ground and head in the beer tub. He was head-first in the beer tub! He had leaned over a bit too far to catch his toy dragon. I ran over to get him and got him dried off with a towel. I thought for sure he would start crying, but my tough guy just wiped his eyes and continued on playing. He gave my friends and me a good laugh at the end of a stressful week/day.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Let the Summer Fun Begin!

Jake and I had a great Memorial Day weekend. Joe was up north fishing with the guys on the Knutson side (minus Mike, who stayed in town). Kirby, Jake, and I spent Saturday-Wednesday with my mom. Every year since Jake was born, I have stayed with my mom over this holiday. It usually is nice and warm, so we spend time in the pool, and it is nice for Jake to get one-on-one time with Grandma "Nuteson". We are working on Knutson, but no quite there yet.

Jake enjoyed the pool 100 times better than last summer. I hope this continues for the rest of the summer. Here are some pictures from our fun in the sun!
Eating some lunch by the pool. Noting better than that!
Jake just woke up from a nap. Paige is curious as to where his clothes are!
I bought Jake a new hat and watering can this weekend-he loved both
The swing outside is a little wild and crazy

Riding on Paige's Dora Big Wheel