Saturday, February 11, 2012

Winter (can we call it that?) Update

It has been a while since my last post.  I don't really have a good excuse for it.  I have been too lazy to import pictures from our camera and my phone onto our laptop to use for posts.  I wish I could post pictures from my phone directly to Blogger, but that concept has not been invented yet.  I can post, but not with any pictures.  That is my lame excuse, I guess!

Jake is the smallest one there!

Looking into the crowd!

Jake has started swimming lessons again.  This time around, he is in the pool without me.  Yeah!  I am so glad to not have to get into the freezing, cold water :)  When Jake passed his previous class, I told him he would be moving into a "big kid" class where moms and dads just watched and the teachers were in the pool to help them swim.  He seemed okay with it and excited that he would be a "big kid".  Then came the morning of our class and his tune changed.  He said he was scared and did not want to get into the pool.  I continued to talk up the lessons and take the "big kid" angle with it.  I was going to be taking Jake myself, since Joe was working.  I was really hoping he would go into the pool without any drama.  When they called "Crayfish!" (his class), he was off introducing himself to his two teachers.  No fears at all.  Whew, that was a close one.  He has had three weeks of lessons.  He is doing great.  He did need a reminder to hold on the side of the pool when the teacher asked him to.  He told me that he does not like putting his face into the water, but loves "Chop, Chop, Timber!".  That is when he pretends he is a tree and the teachers "chop" him down and he jumps into the water.  Last week, they took them to the diving board to jump off.  Some of the kids went under when they lowered them into the water.  I was wondering what he would think of going under.  He must have told the teacher not to let him go under, because he was the only kid who did not.  We will see how things go this week.  We go in about 2 hours.  He always has a huge smile on his face and loves to smile, wave, and give a thumbs up to me :)
Swimming with one of his teachers

Listening (kind of?) to his teachers

We were able to see Jake's cousin, Jordan, a lot this week.  My parents were watching him while my brother and sister-in-law were in Costa Rica.  I love being able to pick Jordan up and cuddle with him.  Jake is getting too heavy for my back to lift him and hold him.  Jake had a fun time playing with Jordan and sharing his toys.  On Tuesday, we met Jamie and Jordan at Adventure Peak, an indoor park. Jake has been there before, but it was Jordan's first time.  They both had fun climbing, sliding, and playing with the balls and scooters.  Thursday night, we met my parents for dinner and had a blast watching the two boys dance to 50s music.  I wish I would have taken a picture of their dancing.  Jake definitely has the dancing bug like his momma!  Jordan's signature move is spinning.  He tends to fall afterwards which is hilarious!

Jordan is on the move

Jake and Auntie Jamie
So much fun with the scooters
Cannot believe it is the 10th of February and there is no snow on the ground.  I am afraid that we are eventually going to be dumped on come March or April.  I guess we should just enjoy what we have right now!