Thursday, August 19, 2010

No More Cast

We are home from the hospital. Jake officially is without a cast. Yeah! He was such a good boy throughout the waiting around this morning, the operating room, and in recovery. The nurses and doctors took good care of him. He was all snuggly when I came back to see him in the recovery room. We sat in the rocking chair and watched cartoons, ate Popsicles, and drank some juice. He did not want anyone to look at or move his leg. They said it would be pretty tender for some time. The doctor said Jake would start walking on it when he felt comfortable. It could be later today, or it could be in a few days. He said to keep Jake off anything he could fall down from. The playground will have to wait. There is always the chance that he could hurt it again, so we will do all that we can to prevent that from happening. He is not going back to daycare full time until the first day of school. Grandma Knutson is going to watch him when I have to be back at workshops. I know Jake is looking forward to being at Cheryl's, but we want to sure he is completely healed before it is back to running around playing with his friends.

We will see how today goes. We are off to the zoo with a friend tomorrow. I cannot wait to get out of the house with him like we used to do. Maybe we will do a little swimming this weekend, too. It is supposed to be nice and warm :)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

It is Coming off Tomorrow!

We heard the great news yesterday at Jake's appointment! We were a little concerned when we saw the x-ray at first. It still looked broken when Joe and I first looked it. The doctor showed us where new bone had started to grow and reassured us that you will be able to see the fracture for the next few months on an x-ray. He said he could take it off. I was so nervous when he was talking about the x-ray that he was going to say it needed to stay on longer. I almost jumped up and down when he said he wanted to take it off Thursday, just two days later. The cast will have been on almost exactly, a few hours difference, four weeks. We cannot wait!

We have to be at the hospital at 6 tomorrow morning. My mom is going to come with me. Joe has someone new starting at work and cannot be at the hospital right away. I am glad someone else will be there to help me entertain Jake. Joe's mom is going to try to be there, too. His surgery is scheduled for 7:30. I am not looking forward to when they need to start the anesthesia process. I believe it has to be administered by an IV. I need to prepare myself for that. At least this time around, Jake is not in any pain. He should be in the OR for about 20 minutes to have the cast removed and another x-ray taken. Then it is off to the recovery room. I am not sure how long we will be at the hospital, but I am hoping it won't be too long.

I cannot wait to have Jake walking, even cautiously running, around the house. Just the thought of him being able to get at what he wants to play with puts a smile on my face. The most important thing I am looking forward to is being able to snuggle Jake close and give him a big hug and read a book to him in his rocking chair. Oh, and also being able to sleep a full night in my own bed. Joe and I have still been taking turns going into his room in the middle of the night. Last night, he had scooted his way out of his toddler bed and was "standing" (leaning against his bed) on the floor next to the mattress we have on the floor for us. I am hoping to break him of the habit of needing someone to come into his room each night. Maybe we can even resume potty training?? We'll see.

Keep you updated on how the rest of this week goes!