Monday, June 27, 2011

Jake the Sweeper and Dear Friends

We had a good weekend, despite the raining weather. Global Warming, huh? Not in MN. I am excited that it is going to be nice this week! I actually have a slight sunburn, but I am LOVING it!

Jake decided that he wanted to help clean up outside. He prefers to use the broom from the fire pit set...

Saturday night, I met my sister and her boyfriend Tim at our good friend Maren and her fiance' Joe's Engagement party. I have known Maren and Whitney since I was in about 2nd grade. To be honest, I cannot remember how old I was when I met them. We started dancing at the same studio growing up, danced in high school together, and finished our dancing careers (for me at least) at the same studio. Maren is a year older than Jamie and Whitney is a year younger than me. We have been close to their family forever, so it was nice to catch up with them, including their grandparents. It was a fun time celebrating the two love birds!

Jamie, Me, and Maren

The Knutson and Enger Sisters Jamie and Me

Jamie using her notes to give her "words of wisdom" on camera. She was hilarious as she gave her three, yes three, different speeches. She was dramatic, as usually. She even came into interrupt mine. We will see how it turns out at the wedding!

P.S. Blogger and I have not been getting along. Sorry for the odd placement of pictures. I give up!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

What a Zoo!

Rest Stop
Yesterday, Matt, Katie, and I took the four cousins to the Minnesota Zoo. Apparently, a lot of other families had the same idea. I guess that is what happens when it is finally nice in MN in June. It was definitely an experience, especially with two of the four in mid-potty training. Lots of trips to the bathroom.
Highlights of the visit:
  • Jake being really crabby and only wanting to see the sharks
  • Paige deciding to walk more than ride in the stroller
  • Paige getting out of the stroller while Matt was still pushing it
  • Having to frantically look around to make sure the three older ones were close by. It was always Paige and Jake who were ahead of the group. Leashes may be necessary next time.
  • A passerby letting Katie know that Jordie took off his sandal (he wore only one sandal after that-she did find it-she knew all he would try to do would take it off again)
  • Hailey and Jake constantly asking during lunch if they could go play on the playground
  • Numerous trips to the bathroom
  • Sticking together with three strollers and four people walking
  • Hailey telling me she couldn't feel her feet on the way to the car at the end of the day. She "literally" thought her feel fell off. Her words.
  • How exhausted Matt, Katie, and I were! We spent one too many hours there...

    Jordie just hanging out

    Princess Farmer Paige
Paige watching the Sea Otters


Farmer Jakey Daniel

Hay farmer Hailey

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Potty Power

We have entered into a new challenge at the Deters's house: Potty Training!

We have attempted this a few times in the past and really thought he was ready. We went out and bought a stand-alone potty chair and one that sits on the big toilet. Jake would try for a few days in a row and then would refused. I was determined to really work on things this summer. Over Memorial Day weekend, we started up again. We went out and bough Pull-Ups and were using the timer to try going every 30 minutes. He was pretty cooperative with this. Then, he went to daycare on Tuesday and refused to sit on the potty. We kept at it at home, but he did not want to do it at daycare.

Now that summer vacation has started, we are in full force potty mode. We have super cool Super Hero Squad underwear now. Yesterday was our first day of wearing just our underwear during the day. We are trying to go every 30 minutes, but there have been several times where Jake has ran to his Elmo potty and has gone on his own. We have it sitting in the living room for this exact reason. He is starting to learn that "feeling" you get when you have to go. We are so proud of him! We did have one accident yesterday, but those are to be expected. For some reason, they always happen in his toy room. I will have to keep my eye on him when he goes in there!

Tech Toddler

Jake has found a new love: playing games on Joe and my phones and Grandma Knutson's iPad. He is pretty good at a few of his games. We have found some really fun puzzle games that he enjoys. The other game he is really good at is Angry Birds. He is better than I am. Jake was at my mom's house while I had a doctor appointment on Monday and I came home and this what they were doing.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Party at the Pool

Jake and I, and later in the day Joe, spent Father's Day at my parents' pool. Matt, Katie, Hailey, and Jordan were in town for the weekend. Hailey spent about 8 hours in the pool, while Jake followed slightly behind with about 6 hours logged in. It was fun to see them play together. They were definitely prunes when they finally got out of the pool! Jake stayed on the stairs for most of the day playing with toys, but did venture out onto a couple of floaties and tried out his life jacket. He hates having that on in the pool. He is better with it on in the lake, but not in the pool. Jordan was not a fan of his, either. Matt, Katie, and I loved the new goggles my mom bought for the grandkids. It gave us a new appreciation for the pool. Joe was golfing with his dad and brothers, but came for a few hours to play with us in the water. It was a great way to celebrate the Dads in our family!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Fireman Sam (or Jake)

Jake had the chance to tour the Shakopee Fire Department yesterday. It was offered through Community Ed. He had a lot of fun, even though there was some talking they had to listen to. For a group of men who probably don't spend a great deal of time around large groups of kids, they did a great job.
Here is what Jake did while he was there:
  • Learned about 911 and what to do if the smoke detector goes off (he did not like when they tested the smoke detector)
  • Held the fire hose at the front and back of the line
  • Climbed on 3 fire trucks
  • Met Sparky the Dog
  • Tried on the boots and jacket the fire fighters wear
  • Received a fire hat and a backpack

Next month, we will go and tour the police station. I am looking forward to that. I had been to one of Richfield's fire station when I taught kindergarten, but never to the police station.

Jake also went to his friend Josh's birthday party yesterday. It was his first party without me sticking around with him. I was prepared to stay with him, but Josh's mom and grandma (who runs the preschool Jake will go to next year) told me it was fine to leave him. I went to my favorite restaurant (Q'Cumbers) and was planning on eating by myself, until I ran into my friend Kasey and her mom. They let me sit with them, so I wasn't the goofy woman sitting all by herself. Jake had a great time and I am sure did not even realize I was gone!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Butterfies and Tubbies

Jake has developed a love for butterflies. We even ordered a butterfly garden this morning. I can't wait to see Jake experience each stage of the life cycle of butterflies.
Very excited to have Jake's faucet fixed. The water never really warmed up. Apparently, there was something that did not get done when the shower was installed during the build. Not a big problem for us, since we just use this bathroom for tubbies. It will be nice for guests though. Ask my sister how much fun it was to take a shower in there last summer. Having several things under warranty fixed this summer.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Summer Vacation Has Started

and he is exhausted! Today was Jake's last day at daycare until August. I had a three hour meeting today, so he went to daycare for a short time today. I don't think he realizes that he won't see his friends for the next two months. He was all about getting in the car and not really into saying good-bye. We'll probably meet up with Cheryl and the kids at the pool or a beach sometime soon, so he won't be away from them for too long.

The results from my test on Tuesday were negative, which is what both Joe and I expected. I am going in for a test on Monday and we meet with our doctor on Wednesday. Hopefully we will get some answers and make a plan for what we will do next.

I am very excited to start my summer vacation. I had a blast golfing with three friends from work yesterday. I actually golfed pretty well for being my first time out since my two times last summer. If only I was able to keep it up. Did I just say I wanted to continue golfing? My parents would be proud!

Tomorrow is the first morning to sleep in. I am sure Jake will be bright-eyed and bushy-tailed by about 5:45. No nap for him, or me, today. Maybe he will be a little extra tired. I can only hope!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ma, Look What I Can Do!

Jake was showing me some of his "tricks" today. He and I have been home alone this weekend while Joe was on a trip for work. Joe and I keep asking Jake if he can stand on one foot. We wanted to see how his balance was. Here is what he can do. Just like Kung Fu Panda!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

A Summer in Pictures

Enjoying a Saturday evening by going to the park
A friend of mine has a friend who has spent the last year documenting each day with a picture. I know I would not be able to keep that up for 365 days, but I am going try doing the same thing for the summer. Now that I am done teaching, only 2 1/2 days of workshops/meetings left, I figure I have the time now to start my new project.

What I Have Been Meaning to Write

My Dad keeps bugging me about not updating our blog. I have had good intentions, but just did not know how to say exactly what has been going on in our lives and in my mind. Here goes!

TTC. Three letters that have been consuming our lives the past few months. Actually since the summer 0f 2009. Trying to Conceive. We have been desperately trying to have a second child for almost two years. It has been the most stressful time of my life. We had no difficulties getting pregnant with Jake. It took no time at all. We also got pregnant in the end of April 2010, but I miscarried at the end of May. Since then, there has been nothing but frustration and disappointment. My OB, whom I love and just want to help me through another pregnancy, started us on Clomid, to help stimulate ovulation. He thought that was maybe the issue. After several months of this, it was not helping. He suggested seeing a fertility specialist. I was sent to a clinic in Minneapolis, close to Abbott Northwestern Hospital. Kind of a scary area, but used to driving down Lake Street to Chicago Avenue now. This clinic was one that my friend, who had been TTC for years, found success at. After meeting with my doctor, he thought that since I had technically got pregnant two times, he did not think there needed to be further testing (beyond what my OB did, which showed no concerns) done. The plan was for me to go back onto Clomid, then use Ovidrel to trigger ovulation, and finally have an IUI done. Our first IUI was in February, right around my conference time. Not the best time to be going into the doctor and having to miss school, but we cannot be picky with timing now. I was trying to be really optimistic, until I started to show signs of getting my period again. Joe was out of town when I was showing signs, so I was left to deal with it on my own. Not a fun experience. I went in for a blood test and it resulted in a BFN (big fat negative-another acronym I have learned). We decided to take the month of March off because we went to Mexico with Joe's work right around the time I would have had to be seen multiple days in a row at the clinic. April was our next round. We had two IUIs done, back-to-back, in order to increase our chances. Again, at the end of my 2ww (two week wait), I started to show signs of getting my period. I went in and had a test done, and it was a BFN. I did not realize that the light flow I had before my test was the real thing, which then screwed up trying for another round in May. I am currently in my 2ww for our June 1st and 2nd IUI. I go in for my test Tuesday morning. I am showing signs again of getting my period, so I am not feeling too good about getting a BFP (big fat positive). Again, Joe is out of town, so I am trying to deal with my feelings on my own. We have a meeting set up with my doctor in the middle of June to discuss the next course of action, provided that things don't work for this round.

As if all this disappointment wasn't hard enough, two of our friends just found out they are pregnant. One with their first, and one with their second. I have had a really hard time dealing with this and have not really wanted to spend time with these friends. I am happy for them, deep down inside, but I think I am more jealous than happy. I have never wanted something so bad in my life, and now the two of them have what I want. It will take some time for me to feel up to spending time with either of them.

All I want is for Jake to have a brother or sister. I want him to have someone to spend time with, play with, take care of, enjoy spending time with as he gets older. Joe and I are both lucky that we each have siblings we are close to. I don't want Jake to be an only child.
Throughout all of this, all I hear and read, is to not be stressed. That is so easier said than done. Of course I am stressed. How could someone not possibly be stressed? I stress about not stressing. For someone who needs to be in control, this uncontrollable situation is so hard to go through.

I am hoping to be able to share good news in the future about this whole TTC thing. Keep thinking positive thoughts for us, because at times, it is hard for us to stay positive on our own.