Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pictures from the New House

Beautiful rainbow last week-when it rained everyday!

Jake's bathroom

Jake's room

Jake's room-love the blackout shades!

Jamie did a great job with the shelves-new big boy bedding, too!

Our bathroom

Space for both of us to get ready

We need to get a new dresser, but this will work for now

Thanks, Joe for letting me have the saying above the bed

Jake's playroom/extra bedroom

Twist and turn, make it tight

Helping Daddy

Baby Jordan slept on the floor in the middle of it all

Getting Settled

Things have finally slowed down (a little) for me to update the blog. Two weeks ago, we successfully closed on our new house. I thought that the closing went pretty quickly and pain-free (except seeing that mortgage payment amount...) than the last time around. It sounded like things got pretty down to the wire for T.C., our mortgage guy. We are very thankful he was able to work his magic!

Moving weekend went off without a hitch....okay, so maybe not. There were some comical moments (all Joe's doing) that we can laugh at now. After we closed, we went to the old house to pack up my car and take a load down to the new house. We had to stop first at my parents' house to pick up a few items, mainly our bed. I arrived shortly before Joe, as he was pulling the trailer. When he arrived, he told me he left the keys to the trailer on the counter in St. Louis Park. So, off I went back up good old Highway 100 (which I won't miss driving anymore-felt like I lived on that road for the past ten years!). We were able to load things into the trailer while it was sprinkling. We were unable to put together our bed, because the hardware for it was MIA. The verdict is still out as to whose fault that was. Joe was able to go buy more pieces and put it together with Jake's help.

Saturday morning was when we had a big group of family and friends come over to help us load the trailer and move. I ran Jake down good old 100 again to my parents, where Joe's mom picked him up for the day. We were so thankful she was able to take him for the entire day. While I was at my parents' house, Joe called to see if I could stop by his work and grab a bolt cutter, because one of the locks on the trailer would not open...yes, the same lock I had already had to drive and get the keys for the previous night. Thankfully, my dad, had just the tool we needed and saved me the extra trek to Hopkins. We were able to get the locks cut off and get things loaded and brought down to the new house. We all worked very well unloading and unpacking boxes. My mom could not believe all the boxes labeled "kitchen" I had. I am not a cook, but apparently registered for quite the amount of kitchen items.

Joe and the guys all went up to the storage unit to clear it out. I knew when my phone rang after they left, it was Joe calling to tell me that he did not have his keys for the lock at the storage unit. I had them in my car...and I put them there. He should have realized he did not have his huge ring of keys with him, but I will take the blame. So...he had to use the bolt cutters once again! It reminded me of being at school and all the 6th graders who couldn't remember their combinations for their lockers! This time, it was the storage unit who provided Joe with what he needed. The guys were quick with loading and bringing the things back from the unit.

We spent the rest of the day on Saturday unpacking and organizing. The ladies were all busy in the kitchen and the guys were in the basement and garage. Pretty predictable, huh? Jake was so surprised when he came back to see all "mines stuff", as he put it. He has loved having more space to play with all his toys and run around.

We are slowly, but surely, getting ourselves settled. Boxes are still waiting to be unpacked in the basement once it gets finished. Some rooms have pictures on the walls. It has been about a year since we have been able to have our personal pictures on display and I love having them back! We hope to have some more time this weekend to get Jake's room decorated and some more pictures hung.

We are so thankful that we had friends and family to make this journey (both figuratively and literally) with us. It has been one long year!