Saturday, February 20, 2010

MN Zoo on Mom's Day Off

A few Fridays ago, I had the day off, as we just had two 12 hour days of conferences. Jake and I joined my mom and Paige for a trip to the zoo. The two kids had a blast. Here are some pictures from our time there.

Germs, germs, go away!

We have had a rough couple weeks around our house. It seems like we cannot get healthy. It started off with Jake complaining that is ear was hurting. After an unhappy visit to a clinic that was not our normal one, Jake was given medicine for an ear infection. Then, last weekend, Jake woke up with some eye gunk. We went to swimming lessons, probably shouldn't have, and went down for a nap afterwards. Jake woke up with gunk and redness in his eyes. Off to the Minute Clinic at Southdale we went! We had to wait a while for our turn, and thankfully there were some cars on display in a old Hallmark store that we could distract ourselves with. Diagnosis: Pink Eye and ear infection. We had to wait for and extremely long time for the prescriptions to be filled. I will never return to that particular place again. Poor customer service did not go over well with me as I was trying to console a very unhappy child. This was the first time Jake has been on drops since he was a tiny babe. He does not like to have drops put into his eyes. I joked that he must have gotten that from his father. Joe does not handle drops well either. It either takes two of us to get the drops into Jake's eyes, or for one person to hold him down completely. He has started to cover his eyes when we come close to him with the drops saying, "All better!" His eyes and ears appear to be doing much better.

Next, it was my turn. I came home feeling terrible Wednesday night after school. I went to bed right away and called in for a sub for Thursday. I am a teacher who will do anything to not have to be sick. It is way too much work to be gone from school. Thankfully, Joe was not working on Thursday and could take Jake in to daycare. The only problem was that Joe took the day off because he was heading up to Lutsen to ski with some friends for the weekend. I knew it would be a looong weekend if I was sick! I was able to sleep for most of the day and woke up feeling much better. I went to work yesterday and talked a bit too much. I sound like a boy going through puberty now. This morning, I also went into the clinic at Target and am now on medicine for an ear infection. Am I 31 or almost two years old??

I cannot wait for Joe to get home and pray he does not bring any more germs home with him!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New Computer

We have been without a computer for over a week. The power cord on our old one started to fray. It was just replaced in August. We knew we needed a new computer. Our laptop was close to five years old and we've had to replace the keyboard once already. Even our replacement keyboard had buttons popping off. Just today, our new computer arrived! I hope to have time to upload some new pictures this week. Joe is heading to Lutsen for a guys' skiing trip, so I will have some quiet time at night from Thursday to Sunday afternoon. Hang in there, Mom!