Sunday, March 29, 2009

Happy Birthday Jake!

We cannot believe that Jake turned 1 today. What a fast year it was. Jake had a pretty busy day. Last night, he spent the night at G & G Deters. Joe and I both had plans, and Jake doesn't get to see the Deters very often. He went to watch Haley's dance competition at Northrup and went to watch Ben's baseball tryouts. He had a busy night! Joe picked him up this morning. I was so excited to see them come into the door...but Jake was exhausted! We all ended up taking naps before I could even say Happy Birthday to Jake. After Jake ate a WHOLE chicken patty for lunch, we gave him our gift. He loved the Elmo balloon. He also has his very own dog stuffed animal, that looks like Kirby. We have to be careful that Kirby does not take the animal for himself. We also gave Jake a Little People Bus. Recently, Jake has been playing with a car (part of a set a friend gave me-after her daughters out grew the Mega Blocks) that had a princess on a horse. Joe did not really like that he was playing with a "girl" toy. I actually found the princess in the garbage a few weeks back. I thought it would be good for Jake to have a more "boy" toy. He'll play with anything, but it made Joe happy.

Later in the afternoon, we went to G & G Bien's house. Jake's Great Grandparents were there, along with Uncle Dan and his girlfriend, Charli. We had a very filling dinner. Jake ate a little bit of it, but he was pretty full from lunch. Jake did not really care much for opening presents. He received a lot of books, a couple of toys, a Baby Einstein DVD and CD, and an adorondak chair (with an umbrella). Joe's mom made an AMAZING Mickey Mouse cake. She had her house decorated with Disney Characters, which Jake loved. Unfortunately, Jake was so tired by the time we had cake, that he did not want anything to do with it. He was really crabby. We hope we can get him to eat some cake this week, to see what he will do with it!

It was a fun day for Jake. It is back to the normal work/daycare routine this week. I am sad I won't be with Jake all week =(

1 comment:

Elizabeth B. said...

I can't believe Jake is already one year old! Love all the blog updates!