Monday, June 24, 2013

Retrieval is Tomorrow (Tuesday)

It is crazy to think that by this time tomorrow morning, my eggs will have been retrieved.  I went in yesterday morning for another ultrasound and blood draw.  The nurse who was in the room said I was on the fence between doing my trigger shot Sunday night or continuing my stimulation shots one more day and returning back on Monday morning for another check-up.  The nurse told me that I would be more tired and sore because my ovaries were quite large.  I could already tell this was the case, as I was falling asleep on the couch Saturday night around 7 and felt uncomfortable.  She told me to take it easy and lay down as much as possible.  Joe and I decided it would be a great day to take Jake to see Monsters University. The nurse called me shortly before we were leaving for the movie to tell me that my doctor wanted me to trigger Sunday night and then come in Tuesday morning at 8:30 for a 9:30 retrieval.  We quickly figured out plans for Jake that morning and that evening, as Joe would have to switch his hours and I have plans to go to a concert if I am feeling up to it.  We all thought the movie was a good one.  Jake was so excited and laughed so loudly in his cute high-pitched laugh throughout the entire film.  He loves going to movies, especially 3D ones!   At 9:30 p.m., Joe had to give me the shot because it was an intramuscular shot.  All of the other shots I gave to myself were subcutaneous.  I think I was more nervous for this shot because I was not the one in control.  He had watched the video and was in the room when the nurse went through how to administer it, so he did know what he was doing.  It wasn't as bad as I was expecting. He did a good job!

If everything goes as planned, Joe will drive me home from the clinic tomorrow and Jake and I will hang out for the afternoon and then I will drop him off with Joe's stepdad and I will go with my sister, brother-in-law, brother, and sister-in-law to the OAR concert.  I know that I may be in some pain, but I really want to be able to see them in concert.  The transfer should take place Sunday morning, provided that we have more than 2 embryos that survive for 5 days.  We will receive phone calls throughout the week to let us know how the embryos are doing.  I am trying to stay positive that we will have several that survive and that we can freeze some and transfer 2.  Monday and Tuesday next week will be bed rest for me (Jake will spend time with grandparents and at a zoo class since Joe cannot take time off) and then Jake and I will head to St. Cloud for the 4th.  Joe has to work on the 5th and 6th.  We are sad he cannot come with us.  Jake will have a blast playing with his cousins on the lake! 

Crossing my fingers for lots of eggs tomorrow!

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