Tuesday, March 25, 2014

We Are Having a...

Healthy, baby, BOY!

We have actually known for over a month, but yesterday we had our Level 2 Anatomy ultrasound.  We saw the proof that the blood test in February was accurate.  This time around, I was able to select a different option for my first trimester screening that allowed to test for gender.  The perks of being older :) We knew right away that we were going to find out the gender, and I was excited to find out over a month earlier than expected.  We told our family and a few close friends.  Jacob has known, so that means even more people know!  You cannot expected an over-excited 5 3/4 year old to keep that secret in.

Everything the tech and doctor were looking at yesterday looked good.  Baby was cooperating for the most part, but I did have to change positions towards the end, so they could see where the umbilical cord was entering and exiting.  He likes to keep his hands up by his face, just like his big brother.  Jake likes to look at the picture where it appears the baby has a thumb (or finger) in his mouth.  It reminded Jake of a few pictures of himself when he was a little baby and did suck his thumb.  He has since grown out of that, so it was a fun memory for him to think of.

This past weekend, both Jake and Joe were able to feel the baby kick.  I have been able to feel him for a little over a week.  Jake has been talking and reading to the baby a lot and wishes he would be born on March 29th, so they would share a birthday.  He is so excited to be a big brother.  It will be a long summer of waiting, but well worth it!

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