Friday, July 18, 2014

End of Kindergarten

It has been a while since I last posted.  We had a busy end to the school year with programs, field trips, new glasses, an ear infection, a new car purchase, the start of baseball, and a big graduation.

Jake finished out his kindergarten year at Richfield STEM School on a high note.  The last month of school was a lot of fun for him.  Unfortunately, he came down with an ear infection after Memorial Day weekend and had to miss a few days of school and the field trip to the MN Zoo :(  He was okay with that, since we had just been to the zoo and he had a week long camp later in June.  He also loved showing off his new glasses that he wears in the classroom.  He had a blast with his friends and his teacher. Joe and Grandma Knutson were able to see his kindergarten concert and Grandma Knutson and I were able to see him graduate.  He is changing schools, districts actually, next year, so the end of the year was somewhat hard on both of us (probably me more!). He realized that he wouldn't see all his friends again next year and that hit him.  He had to say goodbye to a lot of people at his school that he has known the past two years through Fun Club.  He knows that he will see some of those people at the pool this summer, which made it easier for him, too.  His kindergarten teacher is a good friend of mine and we know we will see her a lot.  She is having a baby, in November, which Jake was very excited to hear.  I had a hard time the last day dropping off and picking him up from school.  I have been driving him with me to work since he was 5 months old.  Joe reminded me that I get to do it again, which also hit me.  For so long, I never thought I would have a chance to have another child to take to daycare, school, etc.  Being pregnant and dealing with these milestones sent my emotions in a crazy roller coaster.
We are very proud of our kindergarten graduate!

Jake started baseball at the end of May. He is having a blast.  It is coach-pitch, and Joe is one of his coaches.  Our neighbor, Kaden is also on his team, and his Dad, Aaron is the other coach.  It is fun to see this group of boys and girls working together and having fun. Jake is also in soccer two days a week and golf on Fridays.  He seems to like all three sports and hasn't said which is his favorite.  I am liking watching the smile on his face while being active in all three.

We are a minivan driving family.  We sold my Jeep and purchased a Town and Country.  It has come in very handy already with multiple trips to the soccer and baseball fields with the neighbors and a trip up north over this last weekend.  I love the room it has inside, which will come in handy in a few short weeks!
Jacob and Mrs. Sellmeyer

Jacob and Grandma Knutson

Jacob and Mom

Our Kindergarten Graduate (sporting his glasses!)

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